Prof. Nilay Shah

Former Head of Department of Chemical Engineering, Imperial College London. Professor Nilay Shah’s research interests include the application of process modelling and mathematical/systems engineering techniques to analyse and optimise complex process and energy systems and their associated supply chains, with a particular interest in clean energy, biorenewables and bioprocessing, including synthetic biology.

Professor Nilay Shah also works on the application of model-based methods for plant safety assessment and risk analysis. He has published widely in these areas and is particularly interested in the transfer of technology from academia to industry. He has provided consultancy services on systems optimisation to a large number of process industry companies.

Professor Nilay Shah is the Director of the Centre for Process Systems Engineering (CPSE) and co-director of the Industrial Biotechnolgy Hub at Imperial.

He is a chemical engineer by background and has been the recipient of a number of awards including IChemE Junior Moulton Medal (1996), an RAEng/ICI Engineering Fellowship (1997-2001), the Royal Society of Chemistry Beilby Medal and Prize (2005), the Imperial College Rector’s Award for Research Excellence (2006), RAEng MacRobert Award (as part of a team, 2007), Imperial College Engineering Teaching Excellence Award (2009) and IChemE Hutchison Medal (2012). He is a Fellow of the IChemE and Royal Academy of Engineering.

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